Follow these simple instructions.
- Enter your E-mail address in the space provided below. Click “Get New Password”. NOTE: If you enter an un-recognized E-mail address, the system cannot proceed. If it recognizes your E-mail address it will respond with a notice to “Check your e-mail for the confirmation link.” Go to Step 3 below.
- Open the e-mail just sent to you. In this message you will see a long link at the end of the message. Click on it.
This link will direct back to the website with a new password created for you. This is a suggested STRONG password, but you DO NOT have to use it. You have 3 choices, but are REQUIRED to use a STRONG password.
- Create your own STRONG Password. You are required to use at least one of each of the following, (Capital letter, Lowercase letter, number and special character). It must be a minimum 10 characters in length, and should not spell words. Don’t use common personal identifiable info, (ie birthdate, address, names, phone number).
- Use part of the recommended password. Simply delete all but the first 10 characters, or use any combination of 10 characters of the suggested password. If you reduce it to the point that it changes to a strength of “MEDIUM”, just ad back a number or letter.
- Accept it as suggested, and then remember it as part of your browser login.
Regardless of what you decide, make note of what this NEW password is, so you can use it to login on the login page. After deciding from 1-3 above, click “Reset Password”. You will receive a message “Your password has been reset.” With a link to “Log In.” Click it, to go to log in page or return to the homepage and click on the “Login In” link on the blue menu (top right) a second time.