Tim Connor
Summer Conference: June 8, 2018 - Kearney Holiday Inn Tim Connor, Globally renowned speaker, trainer and best selling author. Tim is the President and CEO of Connor Resource Group and Peak Performance Institute. He has been a full time...

2018 Summer Conference
NSTA Summer Conference is scheduled for Friday, June 8 at Kearney’s Holiday Inn. Business Meeting will begin at 7:30. The morning session will begin at 8:00 am and the afternoon should wrap up by 3:30 pm. A social gathering will take place Thursday evening at...

Keynote Speaker
Summer Conference June 2nd 2017 Kearney Holiday Inn Lt. Col Kevin Sweeney Kevin Sweeney is a combat veteran having flown missions in both Vietnam and Desert Storm. He spent 23 years in the Air Force and Air National Guard attaining the rank of Lt. Colonel and...
2016 NSTA Member Representation

Nebraska Department of Education Beginning of School Year Checklist and best practices
Download PDF pages Beginning of School Year Checklist NDE Pupil Transportation Reminders

2016 Nebraska School Bus Illegal Passing Survey — Tuesday, May 10
While school buses remain incredibly safe, we all know that students are most vulnerable when they are outside the bus in the “danger zone.” Nebraska is assisting the National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services (NASDPTS) in coordinating a...
2016 Conference Speakers
2016 Summer ConferenceKey Note SpeakerDr. Nancy Blackwelder.If you have not yet heard Nancy speak please check out her website at www.safebus.org. She has had a very impressive career in Education and Transportation and was honored with an article in School Bus Fleets...

Dr. Nancy Blackwelder
If you have not yet heard Nancy speak please check out her website at www.safebus.org. She has had a very impressive career in Education and Transportation and was honored with an article in School Bus Fleets as one of the “25 most Fascinating Industry...
T.S.A. Updated information after the Brussels Bombing.
In order to view these important documents please go to the links below.T.S.A. Awareness MessageT.S.A. Mitigation Strategies for Highway Modes

Seat belts on Buses ? NSTA , NAPT response to NHTSA seat belt statement
December 21, 2015 The Honorable Mark R. Rosekind, PhD Administrator National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20590 Dear Dr. Rosekind: On behalf of the National School Transportation...